Mama Arsenal, 77 year old die-hard Arsenal fan woman, posted a video recently that went viral, showing her passion, knowledge and dedication for football at her age without putting into consideration her gender or discrimination. 

How many women of her age follow football with such passion to know what she knows about Arsenal and indeed football. Truly football is a beautiful and passionate sport. It cuts across gender, age, class, religion and even RACE! and she was a guest this afternoon with Woli Arole on Instagram with Chat Room with Arole. 

Mama, wowed everyone that followed the 30 minutes interview with her sense of humour, and revealed she has been an Arsenal fan for good 12 years, since the era of Arsene Wenger and that moved everyone to make cash donations.

Authentic Football Supporters Club was also present on the Live show and also made known its own contribution for Mama Arsenal, free Membership and tour with the Association to any match venues both locally and internationally.

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Hosting party for Mama Arsenal at the Secretariat in Surulere will also come shortly, because she deserved to be celebrated in grandstyle, she is a raregem and a living legend of our time, according to Authentic Nigeria Football Supporters Club.

" I doff my heart to this great football mind. I mean this woman who deserves to have a top footballer as son or daughter, on account of her knowledge of Arsenal and football. Perhaps, she would even have been a great footballer herself if she had the opportunity while growing up.

" I am happy and proud that she is a Nigerian. I bet you not all women of her age in London follow Gunners the way she does. Thumbs-up ma, I bow for this old mama our local sports handlers and government need to catapult our local league to the consciousnesses of people like this that love football, how i wish Mama talk about Nigeria league and players like this.
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