Barr. Seyi Akinwunmi
Lagos FA Chairman
Barrister Seyi Akinwunmi, the 1st Vice President of Nigeria Football Federation, NFF and Chairman Lagos State Football Association has reacted to allegations of him being a football agent describing the allegations as product of small and deranged minds.

The astute football administrator disclosed during the special interview section on Kwara Sports Arena WhatsApp platform on Sunday evening.

Francis Achi reported that, He was reacting to allegations regarding some of the young teenage football sensations in Lagos state that were part of the last set of Golden Eaglets, particularly Samson Tijani, the captain of the team and other players who are products of laudable projects of Lagos state football association.

At a time where there are so many dubious football agents and intermediaries, Barrister Seyi informed that he will continue to defend and protect the career of young footballers under his care as Chairman of Lagos State FA, the Centre of Excellence in Nigeria.

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" I am not the agent of Samson or any other player for that matter. I don't make or seek to make money from football,” Barr. Akinwunmi said.

" Those allegations are a product of small and deranged minds. My relationship with Samson is no different from the one i have with other Ekofootball Team players.

" I’m the Chairman of the State FA that they come from and I’m bound to look after them and protect them from Intermediaries who try to take advantage of their ambition and illiteracy of their parents.

" I will not allow them to be cheated if i can help it but i have no pecuniary interest. I say it to them all the time and even in writing,” he said.

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