It was a celebration of exploits of Nigerian Basketball on the global stage at the 17th FIBA Africa Congress in Mali on Saturday.
The meeting presided over by Hamane Niang (outgoing President of FIBA Africa) and supported by FIBA World President, Horacio Marotore praised the Nigeria Basketball Federation for its new found status under Engr. Musa Kida led board.
According to most delegates, the 8th finish of D'Tigress in Tenerife, Spain at the 2018 FIBA Women’s World Cup was an achievement that will be celebrated for a long time to come by the whole continent as it was the highest finish by any country from Africa in the history of the World Cup.
Kida and his board were also congratulated for masterminding a successful qualification for the 2019 FIBA World Cup in China by D’Tigers at the Congress also witnessed by FIBA Secretary General, Andreas Zagklis.
It will be recalled that with 8 straight wins, Nigeria became the first country in the world to qualify for the biggest basketball event.
In his reaction, North East representative on the board, Alhaji Abba Kaka said that the recognition was a deserved one which will motivate the NBBF to do more.

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Kaka said, “The achievements of this board in the last two years has continued to confound critics while reinforcing the belief that Nigeria can become a world power in basketball if well-funded.
“What we have done in the last two years is not magic but a direct result of an exemplary leadership quality of our President, Engr. Musa Kida.”
Kaka also said the presence of Kida and his Vice President, Babatunde Ogunade as NBBF duly recognized delegates has put paid to the recent social media debates over who is in charge of basketball administration in Nigeria.
He advised all stakeholders to join hands with the board to make basketball “great again” as genuine stakeholders rather than engaging in tactics capable of discouraging investors.

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